Use "miser|misers" in a sentence

1. Le Sicilien, ou l'Amour Peintre was written for festivities at the castle of Saint-Germain, and was followed in 1668 by a very elegant Amphitryon , obviously inspired by Plautus 's version but with allusions to the King's love affairs. George Dandin, ou le Mari Confondu ( The Confounded Husband ) was little appreciated, but success returned with L'Avare ( The Miser ), now very well known.

1669 Monsieur de Pourceaugnac, eine Prosakomödie, in der er einen dümmlichen Provinzler die quasi schon eingekaufte Braut an einen klügeren Rivalen verlieren lässt.

2. Le Sicilien, ou l'Amour peintre was written for festivities at the castle of Saint-Germain, and was followed in 1668 by a very elegant Amphitryon, obviously inspired by Plautus ' one but with evident allusions to the king's love affairs. George Dandin, ou le Mari confondu (The Confounded Husband) was tributed a little appreciation, but the success was to come back with L'Avare (the miser), now very well known.

Der kommerzielle Flop zwang Molière, umgehend Le Médecin malgré lui (Der Arzt wider Willen) zu schreiben, eine Satire gegen die offiziellen Wissenschaften; es war ein Erfolg trotz einer moralischen Abhandlung des Prinzen von Conti, die das Theater (inbesondere das Molières) kritisierte.